
Plants, Stone, California Landscapes


Sweet Pea Cuts

Sweet Peas and Garden Pleasure Lily

Sweet Peas and Garden Pleasure Lily

I’ve mentioned before that we like cut flowers to have in the house and also give away. We don’t have enough space for a cutting garden, so we grow sweet peas, which earn their keep by fixing nitrogen and producing a lot of flowers in a small space. We had a white vine which finished months ago, but our purple vine is over ten feet tall and still going upwards, still in full bloom. For a while we could stand on a chair to cut them, but now the bulk of the flowers are too high even for that. It’s not even particularly ornamental any more; it’s more like an actual pea vine when the bottom of the plant is in decline, but the top is still too productive to take out of the garden. I’m not sure what happened to make it so vigorous.

sweet peas

sweet peas

Sweet peas in a few combinations are below.

sweet peas and agastache

sweet peas and agastache

sweet pea and origanum

sweet pea and ornamental oregano

I think we added some calendulas to this one and then passed them on to a friend.

sweet peas and cannas

sweet peas and cannas

There are some clarkias and yarrow in with the sweet peas in this one. Clarkias are a surprisingly good cut. I think if I’d turned the arrangement to face the camera it wouldn’t look like a cat rolled on the middle of it.


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