
Plants, Stone, California Landscapes


Costa Rica Watercolors

I took a winter trip to Costa Rica. It felt good to be out of the country at the start of this presidency. I’d feel better if I were there now.

In any case, Costa Rica was great. I hadn’t been in the tropics for years. A totally different effect from mediterranean landscapes, though some of the plants there are friends from California.

The birds are fantastic. I loved how many of the restaurants had a spot to set out fruit for the tanagers and had flowers to attract hummingbirds. I guess we do a version of that here with bird feeders and hummingbird feeders and habitat plantings, but it makes a big impression with tropical birds.

Costa Rican trees are also fantastic. I wish a few California trees had buttress roots.

All of these are from the Drake’s Bay area, a lovely place.

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