
Plants, Stone, California Landscapes


Obviously Oudolf

In Halmstad, Sweden, I checked out another Piet Oudolf garden, my sixth at this point. What struck me was how strong his style is, that it’s so recognizable I could spot it while pedaling past on a bicycle. I glanced over — hey, that looks like an Oudolf garden — and yep, it was. It’s quite nice, not his best garden or his best site to work with, but chockablock with Oudolfian elan.

I’m not sure what’s the story with the bicycle statues but I like them. More sculptures should be sited within a planting like this.


There are a few areas with nice shade plantings. Not what I think about first with Oudolf, but quite nice.


But mostly it’s grasses and perennials.

And admirably maintained. It’s a ten year old garden, looking prime.

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