
Plants, Stone, California Landscapes


Italy Drawings

Bolgona, Via Rizzoli

These are my drawings from Italy. Mostly piazzas. I found it very pleasant to sit at a cafe or on some steps and draw a lovely Italian piazza. Towards the end are a bunch of bridges in Venice. Drawing saved Venice for me. I was shocked by the onslaught of crowds and felt bad to be a part of it, but I eventually found a bench to sit and draw Piazza San Marcos, and it felt like catching my breath. Later I drew a bunch of the bridges and ignored everyone taking selfies on them. I missed a lot of the famous sites, but I felt good about what I did see and glad I got to see such a unique city. Venice is amazing, Italy is amazing, I hope to go back as soon as next summer.

Bologna, Piazza Maggiore

Pienza, Piazza Pio II

Gubbio, Parrocchia di Sant’Agostino

Spoleto, Duomo di Spoleto

Outside Montalcino

Siena, Piazza del Campo

San Gimignano, Piazza delle Erbe

San Gimignano, Piaza della Cisterna


Firmiano/Bolzano, Messner Mountain Museum

Firmiano/Bolzano, Messner Mountain Museum

Venice, Piazza San Marco

Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore

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