
Plants, Stone, California Landscapes


Bloom Day, Laundry Day

Fuschia, Spicebush, and Laundry

Ornamental Laundry

We don’t have a ton of stuff blooming in our garden for November. Our laundry is actually the biggest show of color today, with one of Anita’s shirts nicely matching the bloom color of the Spicebush and the Fuchsia. The spicebush is mostly done blooming, but the fuchsia has climbed into it and from a distance the fuchsia flowers make it look like the spicebush has more than its three or four remnant blooms.

Fuchsia and Spicebush

Fuchsia and Spicebush

Sidalcea malviflora

Sidalcea malviflora

I hadn’t noticed that the Sidalcea malviflora plants have woken up, but one is starting to bloom already.

Arctostaphylos John Dourley

Arctostaphylos John Dourley

Manzanita ‘John Dourley’ has opened a few flowers.

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris

Some of our Bearded Irises decided to do a fall bloom. This is the darkest one of the batch, my favorite.

Blessed Calendula

Blessed Calendula

And Blessed Calendulas. We always have some orange calendulas blooming (and needing to be deadheaded). Alyssum, a rosemary, the last basil plant, two Salvia chamaedryoides, and the cannas in the graywater planter are the other plants blooming in our yard. Check out Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day at MayDreamsGardens to see lots more plants in bloom.

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6 Responses to “Bloom Day, Laundry Day”

  1. November 15th, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Susie says:

    What a great shot of that Iris, how lucky to have a bloom in Nov. Mine are regrouping & sending up new shoots.

  2. November 15th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Gayle Madwin says:

    I like the Sidalcea malviflora! I keep meaning to get some of that for my own yard.

  3. November 15th, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    Nell Jean says:

    Fun bloom day post. Happy Bloom Day.

  4. November 15th, 2009 at 5:23 pm

    Daffodil Planter says:

    Lovely blooms, but my favorite is the first photo–the vine with the multi-colored blooms. I have one here too but it is an annual and not blooming in this cold weather.

  5. November 15th, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    Town Mouse says:

    Good show! I’ve been planting bulbs this weekend, no time for bloom day. Interestingly, I just got a Sildacea and it’s blooming too. Hope it makes it through the winter.

    Happy bloom day!

  6. November 15th, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    lostlandscape(James) says:

    Laundry as garden art. Love it. November’s a tough month down here too. There’s lots about to happen, but we’re not quite there yet…

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